Accent Modification Therapy

Accent Modification Therapy in Sydney

Accent modification therapy is a great way to help those who struggle with foreign accents and being easily understood is crucial to your work and social life.

Many people find they are unable to progress in their careers because people have difficulties understanding what they report as their “strong accent”. They are frustrated that they need to say things a number of times in order to be understood when speaking to people face to face, and even more so over the phone. This sometimes results in being overlooked for promotion. Speech pathology can help!

Elocution Lessons by Eastside Speech Sydney

At Eastside Speech we see many adults who speak English as a second language who come to seek assistance from our speech pathologists with the goal of improving their foreign accent and developing clear spoken English.

We provide a comprehensive individualised assessment which is crucial in setting goals and priorities in therapy. We then formulate an individualised accent modification program so people can make the greatest gains possible in accent improvement.

Many adults struggle for years before deciding that it is time to seek some assistance. There are a variety of therapies available. The nature of the treatment will differ, based upon a person’s age, communication goals and other factors.

Foreign Accent Reduction Therapy Sydney

As well as foreign accent reduction, our speech pathologists are able to help clients with their English pronunciation, speaking skills, public speaking, expressing their ideas, the rhythm and stress in their speech, and presentation skills.

Please contact us if you are interested in elocution lessons or accent modification training programs.

Frequently Asked Speech Therapy Questions

For more information about Eastside Speech Solutions and how speech therapy can assist with speech and language difficulties: